preschool activities for kids this summer

preschool activities for kids this summer

The long school holiday break has arrived and this is every child’s delight and every parent’s nightmare. If you are lucky the summer weather will be kind and kids of all ages will be happy to play outside. But whatever the weather there are lots of ways you can help to keep them occupied.

The early years are often the ones that can foster in your child a love of learning and a love of creativity. And there are probably more choices for younger children when it comes to finding things for them to do and see. You could check out the pages of your local children’s play group or local council websites to find out if there are any preschool activities available in your area. You can also find resources that can help your little ones to learn about the world through play and creativity through things like crafts, den making and exploration.

Make it Fun

When the weather allows get the kids to make dens in the garden. Combine this with a little role playing and dressing up – and what child doesn’t like to play dress up – and watch your child learn as his or her imagination blossoms. You could go a little further afield, maybe to your local park, and make a treasure hunt style game for the little ones where they can learn about the different trees, plants and wildlife they can identify. Take along some colourful paper and pencils for them to mark off their finds as they go along.

If you prefer them to stay within the garden you could give them some coloured chalks and large pieces of hardboard and let them go wild. You can easily wash the chalk away afterwards.

When the weather rules out outdoor play encourage your child’s creative side with craft activities.  From paper shapes to simple sewing kits with of course plastic safety needles, you can find a host of items which your child can use to learn about making things and, who knows this could spark off a lifelong love of crafts.

Get them into the Kitchen!

It’s never too early to teach your little ones about making fun and tasty things to eat. One thing you could try is chocolate crispy buns, a simple recipe needing nothing more than melted chocolate (melted by you of course), rice crispies and cupcake papers. The kids will love them.

With nothing more than a little time, imagination and simple supplies your preschoolers will enjoy a magical summer.

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Classroom resourcesEarly learningEducational toysLearning resourcesPreschool activitiesPrimary teachingPrimary teaching resourcesSpringboard suppliesTeaching resources

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