We understand that it can be difficult to get children to engage with difficult numerical concepts like fractions, decimals, and percentages. Our range of creative learning resources makes teaching percentages, fractions, and decimals easy and fun. At Springboard Supplies we offer a wide range of percentage resources, decimal resources, and fraction teaching resources to make maths lessons smooth.
Find fraction resources here like the Pizza To Go Fraction Game. Our fraction teaching aids aim to encourage children to relate fractions to everyday activities to understand how they work. Decimal teaching aids like theFraction and Decimal Counting Cards are double-sided flashcards that help children understand decimals in relation to fractions. We also offer percentage teaching resources and percentage teaching aids specifically designed to align with lessons in the national curriculum.
On this page, you will find numeracy primary resources: fractions, percentages, and decimals, all designed to help little ones get to grips with new maths concepts through accessible, visual learning.